Friday 4 November 2011

For this part of the collaboration, Steve asked for a billboard to be placed into the film in post production. He wanted specifically for it to be a model, advertising a perfume bottle. The image of the model was then to be transferred to the front cover of a magazine. 

I started by trying to find a suitable model... I wanted to choose someone who was not well known, but who was obviously a model. 
This was my first thought... but when I looked at other perfume adverts, her posture and pose was not right for what I was looking for.

I then found the perfect model. It was a black and white shot, which could complicate the magazine cover later on, but it is perfect to have an impactful, classy and contemporary feel to my advertisement. 

The way that she looks into the camera, makes her eyes follow you as you move. This is perfect for grabbing passers by's attention. 

I then wanted to look for a perfume bottle that would work along with the advert. I decided on a crystal bottle that would look up market along with the poster. I also thought that a crystal bottle would look brilliant against the black background, making the entire billboard black and white... this would also reduce print costs. 

These are an assortment of bottles that I decided to play around with. 

I then cut them out and placed them on different backgrounds. 


The black ones have a lot more impact and will look a lot more appropriate with the model. 


I now need to work on the typography. Steve is yet to get back to me on the name, so until then all I can do is try out a number of different typefaces to see which would be the most appropriate in the situation.

As they are putting the poster in as post production, I do not need to make it to size, which would be slightly ridiculous. I got some feedback on the images, and they are exactly what they were looking for. 

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