Sunday, 17 April 2011

Trip to Granny's - Learning to knit

Half way through my placement in London, I realised that I am letting my college work stray a bit. However much I have tried to keep up to date with my blogs and all sorts, a lot of my attention has been centred around my days at DLKW. So... when it came to the weekend, I decided to take a trip down to Sussex to visit my Granny with the sole intention of learning to knit. She has been a knitter all of my life so knew she would be integral to my progress in my jumper work. As well as teaching me to knit patterns, I was hoping that she would also have some old jumper gems I could photograph... and she came through!!
Getting here on Saturday morning, apparently I was completely disillusioned about how easy it is to knit... especially the kind of patterns that I need. Turns out it took a solid weekend to get what I needed. But here we go. 

A beautiful old set of knitting needles. 

Ah I was spoilt for choice on the wool side of things!!

I decided I really wanted to do a simple design, but not too simple to not get the essence of the kind of jumpers that I am portraying in the book.
So off my Granny went, embarking on a slow, frustrating lesson of how to do it. And the results are better than I could of expected. 

This is all I need. Such a weight off my mind. 

The back

She kindly let me keep the needle... and the balls of wool that I used so that I can use them for other things... such as... making my own typeface. 
This idea came to me as I got more and more frustrated in the knitting process. What am I going to do with this? Is this a waste of time? How could I make this more relevant to the work we've been doing... type!! 
I am going to do some experiments when I get home/back to London where there are more materials... but I really like the idea of writing in wool. Either by sewing it into paper/material... or even sticking it on paper. 
I was thinking of creating an entire typeface and working with that separately. But this might not work... time to experiment. 

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