Thursday, 28 April 2011

Brief identification and dissecting session with Fred 27/04/11

This session was for us to dissect the five briefs that we had chosen over Easter to help us write our own brief to carry on with in the next part of this module. 
We started to look into why we chose the briefs and different reasons for picking them... may they be the subject and content... or the opportunity to use type... or because they allow you to produce the kind of work that you ultimately want to work with, the kind of style which you want to be your own.
Essentially, this brief is the start of our third year. How exciting. Finally an opportunity to produce some work which I will be happy to put into my portfolio. 
We were asked to separate the briefs into 3 aspects of why we liked them. Identifying different aspects to pick out and focus on. 

The second exercise was to then put these aspects into a table. The headings being SUBJECT, PROBLEM, PRODUCT, RANGE AND MEDIA. 

This was a very informative workshop, I now know how to go about writing my own brief to maximise my potential and produce and appropriate range of products.

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